Can you remember a time sitting in the kitchen getting your hair pressed or done up for the school week or church and your mom says: “Girl if you don’t stop moving! Sit still before I (insert some infliction of pain followed by an evil glare).

I despised those days. Once I had my daughter, I understood my mom’s struggle, HOWEVER, I was determined to make my life easier and my daughter more comfortable while styling her hair.

Is the struggle real? Do you have a difficult time getting your toddler to sit still while styling her hair? Check out these FIVE tips I have mastered in order to ensure a smooth execution of natural hair flyness, no fuss, no pain and most importantly, NO EVIL GLARES.

Include her in the hair process –My daughter loves helping me load the beads onto these cool quick beader tools. It helps her learn patterns and makes the beading process twice as fast! I like to purchase them in bulk from Amazon.

Favorite movie— I’m pretty sure I know every word line from line to Moana, Boss Baby and Frozen. Even if your little one wants to watch the same movie a zillion times, bite the bullet and go with it. The goal is to have her sitting long enough to accomplish the style!

Disney overload!

Favorite Companion— My munchkin is completely in love and obsessed with her stuffed monkey, ChaCha. He doesn’t leave her side. Travels with us from A to Z. Rather it’s a barbie doll, blanket or book, allow your little one the choice of bringing her favorite toy along.

Ally & ChaCha

Location Matters — My mom did what she could, but sitting in that hot kitchen in those hard chairs, was not at all comfortable. Keep your daughter as comfortable as possible. I like to go for the room with the best lighting. Whatever fits your preference, make sure your daughter is comfortable where and how she’s positioned. Just like us, their little tushes get tired and sore. Check out these affordable bean bags from Amazon.

Snack it out — This is a no-brainer. Having your child’s favorite snack, rather it’s a 5 minute hairstyle or a hour braided up-do, will add brownie points to your repertoire and keep a smile on her face while she’s singing “Let it go, let it go” for the 100th time

I want to hear from you! Tell me some of your tricks to get your little brown curl girl to sit long enough to get that perfect style?