Look, I know I said the last time was the last time, but this time is different. Just hear me out…

After deciding to go natural in 2010, I became obsessed with purchasing every natural hair product on the market. I joined CurlBox, a monthly subscription to get samples of the latest products on the market, I became a product junkie and obsessed with this new natural hair “trend”

I wanted long luscious hair, the type of “good” natural you see on the commercials.

Although, I wanted to achieve these “hair goals”, little did I know I was doing more damage to my hair than good. I changed my hair up every week, neglecting to tie my hair up at night and to top it off after giving birth to my daughter in 2016, the postpartum shedding came with a vengeance. After this setback, my hair hasn’t been the same since.

I started to overcompensate with excessive protective styling and switching it up, all to allusively avoid the all-knowing truth, that my hair was damaged. It was dry, lack moisture and I didn’t understand my hair and what it required. Watching tons of YouTube videos, mimicking the hair regimens of women whose hair may have replicated mines, but in the end was different.

Circa 2018

Fast forward to present day. After entering my 30’s, I took on a new perspective on what my life should look like. Disregarding the pressure of having perfect hair and owning the type of hair God blessed me with.

Taking notice of when my hair has had enough with the braids and recognizing when my hair is dry due to dehydration.

After suffering from heat damage and crown breakage from stress and poor management of my tresses, I decided enough was enough and off with the hair it went.

I didn’t base my decision on the opinions of others, I simply decided and went for it. I am not sure what’s next for me on this hair journey, but what I do know is that the first step to not only having healthy hair, but creating a healthy lifestyle, is to maintain balance with your MENTAL HEALTH.

That’s right. It all begins in you head. At the root of it all, no pun intended, there needed to be a shift in what I was in a habit of doing.

“If Jesus gets your heart; He’ll help you change your habits.” – Pastor Michael Todd

Tell me, what will you stop or start doing to achieve OPTIMUM healthy hair?