NaturallYU (Naturally-you): To be AUTHENTIC to your core

Ashalora here! I am excited about joining the blogosphere! This is an experience. Making natural hair chic, versatile and accessible is the name of the game! No curl girl should have to navigate through this journey alone. No worries…I got YU!

I am a mommy of two, lover of Christ, dancer, writer, dreamer, singer, believer of LIFE! I’m elated to embark on this natural hair journey for the 2nd time(we’ll get into that later), with my community of curl girls here on NaturallYU!

Ever hit a rut in your natural hair journey? Hair thriving, moisturized, healthy… and then it reaches a length you’ve never before experienced and you’re excited. So much so, that you start playing in your hair, leaving the scarf off 2 nights too many and then BAM! back to square one!

Well folks, that’s where I was in my natural hair journey. Good thing about grace is that you get a new opportunity to do it all over again, but more improved and with wisdom. Besides who has had the perfect natural hair journey experience anyway? Take this voyage with me as I share with you tips and tricks I’ve learned (and still learning) along the way.

I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment or contact me at