Browsing Category : Natural Hair Tips


Let’s face it, it is not always easy to find a salon or stylist that specializes in natural hair. Oftentimes salon visits end in heat damage and extra charges for styling your luxurious natural hair.  Worry-less hunNay! If you are in the Chicagoland area, we’ve collected the top ten salons that specializes in caring for natural hair. These salons are…

4 Life-Changing Tips to Love your God-given Tresses

Out of all the similar textured women you’ve come across, no one, NOT EVEN ONE, has hair just like YU! That’s right, yet too often, I see our queens covering up their tresses, not just for protective styling, oh no, but because of shame.  Ladies, power and death lies in the tongue*. If your desire is to bear witness to…

GREEN TEA RINSE: The Best Protection Against Shedding

Hair teas have grown in popularity in recent years. I tend to avoid “trendy” natural hair care tips, and stick with what works best for MY hair. What I was doing was NO LONGER working, so I scouted the world wide web for answers. Come to find out, teas are not only rich in antioxidants, amino acids caffeine, but a…