Photo by Ezekixl Akinnewu

Out of all the similar textured women you’ve come across, no one, NOT EVEN ONE, has hair just like YU!

That’s right, yet too often, I see our queens covering up their tresses, not just for protective styling, oh no, but because of shame. 

Ladies, power and death lies in the tongue*. If your desire is to bear witness to the fruit of your hard work, if you want your tresses to behave and grow long and healthy, you first have to begin THINKING and speaking it into existence. These four life-changing tips will start you on your way.

For generations, Black women have been subliminally taught to be ashamed of our hair one way or another. I will admit that learning and caring for our natural tresses can be tiresome. But nothing worth having comes easy. Which leads me to my first life-changing tip;


Accept the stage you’re at in your natural hair journey. Whether you are 5 years in, experiencing a minor setback, new to the natural gang but slaying it or maybe you’re a seasoned natural experiencing health issues, which is now causing hair breakage.

Whether it is good, bad, ugly or depends on the day, ACCEPT your hair in all its glory.

I can give you a method, but YU have to navigate the course on your own.

God says even the hairs on our heads our numbered*. The ones that have disintegrated as well. Just think about it, out of all those similar textured women you’ve come across, no one, not even one, is just like YU! If that’s not a confidence booster.  


Forgive yourself for those busy weekends, where you never quite got around to throwing on that bonnet. Forgive that hair stylist, who insisted she flat iron AND stove press your hair. Forgive yourself for forcing your hair into styles that weakened your hair.

Forgive yourself, because the biggest part of growth is learning to accept (there’s that word again) where you are.

Forgive what you have no control over and move onward. When you know better, you do better. But if you happened to skip wash day for the third day, forgive yourself again. Forgive your mama for not knowing those braids were too tight and too heavy.

Forgive your future self too, the mistakes don’t end, so neither should growth.  


We are what we think. Our character is the sum of our habits. Now that you have gained the confidence it takes to walk boldly and embrace the stage of your journey you are in, it is time to learn new habits.

Learn the science behind your hair, learn the politics behind natural hair brands, most importantly, become an EXPERT of your hair. Learn what your hair likes, dislikes. Away with the mentality, “anything you can do, I can do better.”

Naw sis, you can’t! Remember? Those crochet braids caused irritation on your scalp?

Spend LESS time dissecting your favorite natural gurus’ hair regimen and spend MORE time developing your own, based on what YOUR hair needs. 


Once, you’re able to accept the stage YU are at in your natural hair journey, forgive yourself for the missteps and the future ones that you may make, learn new healthy hair habits, all that’s left is to watch your tresses flourish. 

The Lord is concerned about all things concerning you, including your tresses. Give your cares and concerns to the Lord and get to work. 

By rocking your God-given tresses, you are keeping our culture alive and spreading the message that kinky, coily hair is beautiful. Cmon say it loud, I’m BLACK and I’m PROUD!

What steps will you NOW take to start loving on your beautiful God-given tresses?